So what do you do with your old light bulbs? Like most of us, just throw it off! But we are sure once you go through this post, you will definitely have a few options to choose from. Well what can be said, after all these are just too creative!
Light Bulb "Green" House: How about creating a 'green house' with these bulbs? These look quite impressive with small plants in them. If you want to make one, here are the details - link.Light Bulb Aquarium: Who wouldn't like to give this one a try? It just looks cool, all you would need is a globe light bulb, a coat hanger………. And here are the steps to make one of this - link.
Concrete Light bulb Wallhook: We have seen quite a few of these in the past but this one is functional yet stylish, and sure to impress one and all. Here are details - link.
Salt And Pepper Shakers: How about taking an old light bulb and turning it into a saltshaker? Did you know that "plastic caps from 16 oz. soda bottles fit the threads of a standard light bulb?"
Awesome Night Light: We have here another interesting use, creating a night light. All you would need is a light bulb, candle wax and few more things, here are the details to make - link.
Light Bulb Lamps: Can you believe it, these 'Light Bulb Lamps' can cost $650? Well this is what we came to know: "Brooklyn Industrial Designer Sergio Silva, was selling these pair of Light Bulb Lamps for $650". If you aren't interested to pay and want to make one, here are the details - link.
Another Option: Here are the details - link.
Small Fish Bowl: 'Small fish bowl for a small fish out of a g40 lightbulb'.
Lightbulb Ship: A ship built in a regular 60w lightbulb.
Vessel To Boil Water: A more traditional use to the bulb. But before you get started what you need is to hollow out a light bulb. And here we have some good in depth tutorials how to do it - link.
(Image: Credit).
Lamps Made Out Of Light Bulbs: Bulbs Unlimited sells kits that creatively uses old light bulbs and transforms them into new light fixtures like the ones pictured here.(Image credit: morewaystowastetime).
Light Bulb Planters:
Another 'Green' House: The flower is growing in a 50-50 mix of inert media and potting soil. Here are the details - link.
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Light Bulb Lamp: This one looks quite good, once you hollow out the bulb, just follow the instructions given and you too can create one of this. Link.

VAI:- crookedbrains
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