It's probably not a good idea to put a billboard about teenage drinking next to a billboard about Bud Light. Especially if that Bud Light billboard has the slogan: “Always Worth It.”
1. The Boobie Bungalow and Jesus

2. Cancer and Cigarettes

3. Christ and Dunkin Donuts

4. Strippers and Doing Good Things

I understand this one is debatable.
5. Cats and Jesus

Again, debatable.
6. Homosexuality and Funny Slogans

7. Carrots and Aerobics

8. Sausages and Skin Care

9. Racers and Jesus

10. McDonalds and Obesity

11. Guns and Caskets

12. Teen Drinking and Bud Light

13. Jesus and Problems

14. Carrots and Bending Over

What's up with carrots?
15. Embryos and Eggs

It's funny because the picture in #14 says "The world's fastest carrot"
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