Mostly people who are addicted to tobacco are under a lot of stress and need something which can reduce their stress. About 1.3 billion people have tobacco daily which is near about one third of the adult population of the world.
WORLD HEALTH Organization (WHO)started the ‘World No Tobacco Day’ in 1987 and it takes place on May 31 every year to educate and encourage people to stay away from the consumption of drugs. This time focus will be on sex and tobacco and importance will be given to women marketing. Worldwide, tobacco use is the instant reason of death after hypertension and out of ten adults, one dies because of tobacco.
This important day can reduce health problems like crippling heart attacks, strokes, cancers and respiratory diseases that have become increasingly prevalent among women. So make this day special by quitting tobacco and say no to tobacco.
Usage of tobacco is increasing day by day but now it is the time the government bans its production. There are many things available in the market to in-take tobacco and it should be banned . WHO is working with governments to reduce the sale of tobacco especially for women as their rate of buying drugs is increasing day by day.
Mostly people who are addicted to tobacco are under a lot of stress and need something which can reduce their stress. About 1.3 billion people have tobacco daily which is near about one third of the adult population of the world.
According to the WHO around 5.4 million deaths a year are caused by tobacco and every 6.5 seconds a current or former smoker dies somewhere in the world.
Tobacco is usually formed by Nicotine leaves and it is also used in the making of some medicines. People consume tobacco in the form of smoking, chewing or snuffing.
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World No Tobacco Day 2010: smoking is not cool
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