Along with the likes of Joanne Gair, Emma Hack, Verushka, Guido Daniele and M.A.C. make-up body artists I have featured, Craig Tracy is another individual who creates art with body paints on the human form.
Born and raised in New Orleans, Craig Tracy, shown working above, first started body painting in 2002 and opened his Louisiana gallery in early 2006.
Using a traditional paintbrush, an airbrush, sponges and finger-painting, Tracy's body paintings each take approximately one full day to complete. He uses a different model's body (and in some cases, multiple models) for each image.
above: " Toes" by Craig Tracy
His work has been used in several ads and other commercial applications. Being from New Orleans, it's not surprising that he has many jazz related images, but my favorites, without a doubt, are his nature and animal works.
above: "Elements" by Craig Tracy
The images of his work in this post are actual photos of body art in which Photoshop was NOT used.
Eminence (Lion):
the process:
Tiger (on breast):
the process:
Twee Fwog (his title, not mine):
The process:
Shelter (Elephant):
the process:
before and during:
South Side:
the process:
the process:
His stunning illusory image of a tiger was created with three models to increase awareness and benefit a cause that is near to the heart of the artist:
Tigers have always been his favorite animal and when asked to aid in the effort to protect, repopulate and re-wild this the most endangered tiger in the world, Craig immediately said yes. "Only 100 South China Tigers are reported to remain alive and if my body painting can help increase that number by one then I'll have lived with purpose." states the artist.
the process:
Craig with the final work:
Please visit Save our Tigers Be Informedand help support this effort if you can.
Lions, Tigers And Buttocks, Oh My! Body Painting By Craig Tracy
Stretching tag:
Body Painting | Lion, Tiger, Twee Fwog, Elephant
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